New York Times, New York, New York, Thursday, November 10, 1960
U.S. Chess Team Finishes Second
Fischer Victor, Lombardy Draws in Final Round of Olympics at Leipzig
The United States team placed second in the final standing of the chess Olympics at Leipzig, according to a report from East Germany yesterday.
The Americans finished with a score of 29-15. The Soviet squad already had clinched first and Yugoslavia wound up third.
Bobby Fischer of Brooklyn, the national champion, defeated Wolfgang Uhlmann in his final-round adjourned game in forty-three moves and William Lombardy split a point with Wolfgang Pietsch after forty-four moves.
This gave 1½ points to the United States for a 3½-½ victory over East Germany. The Yugoslavs, who had been a half-point behind the Americans, lost their final game with Bulgaria and finished with a 27-17 score. Yugoslavia beat Bulgaria, 2½-1½.
The Soviet players defeated England by 3-1 in their unfinished match and had a final total of 34-10. Paul Keres won from Peter Clarke and Tigran Petrosian scored against R.G. Wade in adjourned contests.
In other eleventh-round matches West Germany defeated the Netherlands, 3-1; Czechoslovakia divided with Argentina, 2-2, and Hungary beat Rumania, 2½-1½.