New York Times, New York, New York, Monday, April 11, 1960
Spassky, Fischer Advance In Chess
The keen race between Boris Spassky of the Soviet Union and Bobby Fischer, the United States champion, continued yesterday in the international chess tournament at Mar del Plata, Argentina. Both were winners in the tenth round, according to a report received through South American news sources.
Spassky captured the queen in a king's side attack against Alberto Foguelman of Argentina and won in thirty-two moves for a score of 9½—½.
Fischer, second at 9—1, defeated Argentino Redolfo of Argentina on the black side of a Sicilian defense in thirty-six moves. In the bishop ending Fischer had four pawns to three.
Fridrik Olafsson of Iceland was placed third with 7½—2½ after winning in thirty-five moves from Erich Eliskases of Argentina.