New York Times, New York, New York, Sunday, January 03, 1960
Fischer, 16, Keeps U.S. Chess Crown
Bobby Fischer, 16-year-old Brooklyn schoolboy, won the United States chess championship for the third time in succession at the Manhattan Chess Club last night.
The victory came to him automatically with the tenth-round defeat of Samuel Reshevsky. Reshevsky, who had an outside chance of overtaking the youthful leader, bowed to Arnold S. Denker, the 1944 champion, in their adjourned game in 55 moves.
Fischer, with a score of 8½—1½, comprising seven games won and three drawn, had a lead of 1½ points. This sufficed to clinch the title, regardless of today's eleventh and final round in which Fischer and Reshevsky will meet at the West Side Y.M.C.A. at 2 P.M.
The champion, who was present at the finish, modestly disappeared to avoid the possibility of a demonstration.
In addition to the first cash prize of $1,000 and the Lessing J. Rosenwald Challenge Trophy, Fischer will receive custody of the Frank J. Marshall Cup, which was donated years ago by the Marshall Chess Club as a memorial to the last champion of the United States.